Onung, Gani Balogun visits CG, National Park


By Frank Meke

President, Federation of Tourism Associations of Nigeria ( FTAN) and a member, Board of Trustees of the association, Dr Gani Tarzan Balogun on Tuesday paid a curtsey visit to the Conservator General of the Federation, Dr Ibrahim Goni in Abuja.

The duo, who were long time friend of the federal government Premier Conservation Regulatory and Protection Agency, stated that they are happy with the intentional progress made by the CG over years, which has attracted global commendation to Nigeria conservation efforts .

” We are indeed happy to be here and to reestablished our relationship with you and your organisation, particularly in ensuring that we process the eco tourism values of conservation efforts currently ongoing across the nation” Mr Nkereuwem Onung noted.

Dr Gani Tarzan Balogun informed the NPS boss that the water and marine tourism ecosystem in the water bodies in Kainji Lake National Park and in Bayelsa where a new exclusive marine Park is located, will be of interest to ftan and ATBOWATON.

In his response, the CG expressed his happiness at the visit of the two top flight tourism personalities and requested regular Interaction and partnership between the park authorities and the Federation.

” We are happy to have back here, particularly seeing Gani Tarzan Balogun, who is a personal friend.” We shall work together going forward,” the amiable CG assured the august visitors.


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